Vince's aunt sent this email and requested it be posted on my blog. Respond accordingly. My reply will be below it.

Hi Maryleigh,
As always I hope this finds you and the kids doing fine as I think of you so often.
I debated weather or not to respond to your "blog" and was going to ignore it but then thought, NO I can't do that! Yes, I read what you wrote. And no, it did not come from your in-laws but from a relative here in PA.
I have lived, as have many others within our family, with a serviceman that has been stationed oversea's. This serviceman, Vince included, has one priority right now and that is not his "spouse" nor is it even his children. It is to himself, keeping himself alive and well, and to his country. So stop making this all about yourself. YES, I can read between the lines!
At the time, when Uncle Larry served in Viet Nam on the front line, the only means of communication was by letter. You are so very fortunate that you now have so many means of keeping in touch with Vince that Uncle Larry was not afforded. The one thing he loved was reading about home, weather this included what his mom/dad, brothers or sister, aunts/uncles, grandparents or friends were doing on a daily basis here in the U.S.A. He didn't care if any one of us told him that we went out to dinner, what we had to eat or the color of the napkins we used!!!! It's called keeping in touch!!!
Right now I would think that you would want all the support and love from any family member regardless of past differences, for Vince's sake! I think you need to remember it is not all about you. I don't know what planet you have just landed from nor how high that pedestal is that your on but you need to dig your feet in the good old soil of this great nation and thank all those that served in the name of their country before you for what you have! This includes what Vince is giving up right now by serving his country.
I really regret writing this but it seems that you could care less about what you put into your "blog" about anyone else but yourself. WAKE-UP and get a grip, this is your husbands life that you so carelessly disregard. I was Vince's aunt long before you entered the picture and will always remain his aunt the loves and cares alot about what is happening within his life where ever he may be.
I hope this opens your eyes and ears. This is to let you know how "all" our family feels about Vince and the support that you do have weather your willing to take it or just pass it by because you refuse to see this. I'm sorry if this offends you but right now I don't care. It was so plain that you don't consider anyone else's feelings so I think you need a dose of your own medicine!
I hope you share this entire letter with your fellow "bloggers", they may see the light!
As always,
Aunt Denise
I gladly will.. obviously you didn't hear about the nasty letter his sister wrote him, or the nasty letter his mother wrote him.. I am merely the "target" because I picked up the phone and said enough is enough. I can gladly share with everyone the IM conversations between Vince and I.. but you are calling me selfish when he is in Iraq and he gets crap from his family for not keeping up communication when they could have cared less about it before he left?
We were very generous with our time with Jil before we left. It was my idea to include her at his send off event.. and my family was their supporting him LIKE always.
Jil's message to him went back to when Vince and I met, as well as BEFORE he and I met. The problems his family had with him STILL get brought up all these years later, even the ones that don't include me. However I am the result of ALL the problems. EVERYTHING is my fault. The lack of communication between Vince and his family is my fault. The problem Vince's parents didn't come to his wedding is because of me. The reason his parents were there immediately after Jil had both of the boys but they could of cared less to see our children, were cause of me. Seriously? What planet am I on? What planet is everyone else on that I am expected to believe that I am that horrible of a person that EVERYTHING is my fault? All the turmoil..all the problems.. it's all my fault?? THAT'S CRAP. Because Debby and I were fine.. and to my knowledge actually building a relationship.. so I thought... I didn't realize I was just being used as her connection to Vince until she could talk to him at her convenience.
You guys care so much about Vince?? I can't wait to see what his response to this is I noticed you didn't include him in your rant. I have NEVER asked him to choose between his family and me.. but I think you just did that on your own. You think this ALL comes from me.. just because Vince would rather not say anything because in his words "all it will do is cause another fight.." or "my mom is never wrong..." that's fine. At the end of the day.. Vince chose to marry me. Regardless of what his family thinks.. we were engaged in Feb.. invitations out.. and 2wks before the wedding I was pregnant. So NO I did not trap him.. and you can kill that little rumor that has gone on for 7 years almost. Vince chose to come out to CA the way he did ON HIS OWN. I told him not to leave like he did. Not to do that to his parents. He wanted to just leave his parents at the hotel when we had the blow up in October when they were here. I said make things right before they go back and before you deploy. I am done being the target. I guarantee you.. ALL OF YOU..since you took the time to send this to EVERYONE... that even if I leave... you will still have your problems with him. They existed long before me.. and they will exist long after me.
Even more so.. Makayden and Maxson are Millers.. but shunning children over having to "be right".. you can chase me out and roll me in the mud all you want.. but my children deserve MUCH more than this.
Lauren Kukuk I was replying to the title btw I didn't see the post
36 minutes ago · Like
Crystal McKinney Brumek Wow that is so RUDE! I'm sorry but my sister is also a military wife and I hate to say it but it is about her also, not just my BIL. I am sorry you have to deal with FAMILY like that!
35 minutes ago · Like
Tammy Bozek Damn!!!!!! Wtf! Im not home to see your blog or respond but WTF!!!!!!
32 minutes ago · Like
Kaleigh Ruf omg she was harsh. you are entitled to your opinion and if she doesnt like it dont read the BLOG!! no one forced her to read it....
31 minutes ago · Like
Carolin Arrington Um yea that is wrong, yes he has to take of himself but he still has a family too. I will reply to your blog in the morning
31 minutes ago · Like
Maryleigh Myers Miller I posted the same thing on the blog. since she thinks I am in the wrong
30 minutes ago · Like
Angela Nowak Brady Oh wow maryleigh...she has some nerve. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that!
28 minutes ago · Like
Andrea Riska I'm clueless, where's your blog?
20 minutes ago · Like
Kelli R What a bitch. So he's the only one doing without? He's the only one giving up his normal life? BULLSHIT
17 minutes ago · Like
Katelyn Elizabeth Davis "dont make it all about you" maybe she should take her own advice? .. as your blog IS all about you. Vince's deployment however.. is NOT ABOUT HER. Anyway you could cut her out of your life completely? She doesn't deserve you in hers :)
17 minutes ago · Like
Veronica Custodio WOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW oh now id have a few choice words for her...
17 minutes ago · Like
Andrea Riska I wonder what Vince would say?
52 minutes ago · Like
Samantha N Jason Gregory As a fellow wife of a military man, I have to say that WE all know the greatest outlet and mind easier is to write down how we feel. On the outside we always look strong and know we can always get through the day, but on the inside, we are a bindle of complete shit. So how do we get this out, we write, about our dys, about how we feel through the day, about when we cry and all the lonely times.
You know what, back home it is all about the family. We have to get up everyday alone, we have to get the kids up and play with them or get them off to school, we have to do all the house work the cooking and the cleaning. At home itis all about my son and myself, because I am the one that has to keep going for my kid and MY HUSBAND.
I dont know about your aunts husband, but MY husband cares about what i ate where i ate it and what color napkin i used, hell he likes to know if my napkin is in my lap, WHY? because its by my VAGINA where he wishes he was, instead of jerking off into a napkin!!
You know if we never let our husbands know we were breaking down every now and then, what relationship is there? what kind of wife would I be if i didnt tell him hey i miss you so much i cried alot today. im good now, sometimes i dont think i can do this, be a wife of a service member, but then i look at your picture and pick myself back up again.
My husbnd loves the strong women i am, i carried his child through out his deployment, gave birth by myself and handed ove our 4 month old son to meet his daddy for the first time. I know i have the right to bitch about deployment as do every wife!
Ignore people that actually have never had husband over seas in a war, and had to live and do everything by themselves. They really arent worth the time if they cant even speak from true expiernce.
And sorry for typos, my keyboard is on the fritz!
We love you girl and WE will always be there for you!
35 minutes ago · Like
Samantha N Jason Gregory feel free to copy and paste to your blog, i cant post it there since i do not have a username.
34 minutes ago · Like
Melissa Hauer Geez o flippin pete ... This heifer was channeling my mother ... not about the military aspect, but the nasty, harsh, snide, PRETENTIOUS, taking it upon herself to correct a grown ass woman aspect of it, hell yeah. I swear I get so sick and tired of folks that are older comparing 'how they had it' to 'how we had it' ... We live in a totally different world, with totally different threats, and even being here and raising kids is ENTIRELY different than it was back in her decrepit day, its EXPONENTIALLY harder ... Who the hell is she to basically tell you you're not allowed to feel what you're feeling?? You can damn sure bet she bitched in her day when she didn't get her old-fashioned letters in a timely manner. I wouldn't bother with further dialogue with her, she has her head too far up her ass to hear anything but her own echo.
15 minutes ago · Unlike · 3 people
Savannah Destiny LaDuke OMG!!!! She is so STUPID! I'm sure you understand that you hold him to the highest for doing this for our country but you also are raising three kids all BY YOUR SELF! So i dont think its selfish to make it about you sometimes, and just because you had a bad day and posted your feelings does not mean that it is her buisness to be a bitch about it. AND HOW DARE SHE SAY THAT YOU OR THE KIDS ARE NOT HIS 1 PRIORITY!
about a minute ago · Like
Savannah Destiny LaDuke Why else would he be fighting in this never ending war. Because he wants better for all of you and he wants to make sure you are well taken care of, how dare she. I[m sorry Maryleigh, you dont need such rude people in your life!
a few seconds ago · Like
Maryleigh Myers Miller The kids grandparents haven't called them once. Haven't asked for pictures. (because I usually just do it automatically) Have no idea how hard Kayden is dealing with this deployment.. that Max may need surgery. Nope. All they care about is their own little world. And apparently his sister sent them all to my blog.. and guess what.. IT WASN'T EVEN ABOUT THEM. Could I relate to it? DEFINITELY. But the fact that they all think it was about them.. maybe they should stand infront of the mirror and throw some of the poo they just threw at me.
2 seconds ago · Like
Wow Denise. You call that "support"?
M, I am so thankful for your husband and his fellow serviceman doing what they do so that you as well as Denise may have an opinion. I am sorry that you are having to deal with the disrespectful selfish words of others. I will never be able to wrap my mind around the things that people will say to intentionally hurt another person. I almost hope that you don't send this to Vince so that he won't be hurt by it either. You certainly do not deserve this abuse and neither does he.
I loved your blog "Stand beside, not in front of or behind" I almost thought it was written for my brother in laws family. My sister seems to be going through the same thing as you. My BIL's family seem to think it is my sisters fault he is deployed? During his 2nd employment they were newly married and she pregnant. His family did not care to see her or the baby after he was born. They were awful to her and still are. His mother wrote him a horrible letter while he was in Afghanistan asking why he didn't call HER every week. During that YEAR of deployment my sister received ONE very short letter from him. These guys do not deserve this from anyone at this time and neither do their wives. You said it correctly when you said that deployment brings out the best and worst in people. Too bad the worst usually is within the family and the best is with outsiders.
You are doing a GREAT jib being a 'single mom' right now. I love the way you include the kids in sending their daddy care packages. I think you are a beautiful person inside and out. I hope you know there are many of us that support you and care about you. Don't let the hateful people to get you down and please keep YOUR bog up. It is about YOU!
The grammar police in me must ask Denise to go here maybe she can learn a little.
ABrady27 well, it is your blog, therefore, you can put whatever you want on there. Second, you have yourself and the kids to take care off too. I'mn so glad I'm not the only one that has thsi issue. I love my husband, but it seems whenever he is gone, the world has to stop for him and him only. I try to be sensitive and understanding, but it gets so hard sometimes. I missed one call from him while he was at NTC and you would have thought the world ended. I think that family and friends who are not in the military world forget that we are going through tought times too and that we need love, patience, and understanding as well. We are also serving our country even though we are not in the warzone. I'm very sorry you are going through htis and if you need me, hit me upo Maryleigh!!!
jenniferann147 This is just shocking. So apparently you're supposed to ignore all of your own needs and feelings to just focus on his only...uh WRONG! Its a relationship, its not just focused on one person! You're going through just as much as he is! She has NO right to say those things about you. It's your blog, not you're's supposed to be about your thoughts and feelings! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with people like that. ::hugs::
maile Wow. First, I'm sorry you are having this added onto the stress you are already going through. Second, It is YOUR blog, YOUR place to put YOUR thoughts, YOUR life, and YOUR marriage. From everything I've seen you say you have been talking about these feelings with your husband as much as possible while still being supportive and keeping life at home together. Yes, he is in a war zone but that does not mean that everything else at home shuts down!!! I don't know you whole back story but to me it doesn't sound like she has ever been in your life enough to say anything like this. If she doesn't talk to you or your husband a lot what right does she have to judge? And who gives a crap that she is his aunt?? Of course she was there before you she's older! YOU are his WIFE, the MOTHER to HIS children. That tops aunt in so many ways. I would block her or anyone else like that from your blog. I think there is a way to make it invite only...
I'm really sorry Posh. She had no right to go at you like that. ((HUGS))
Jennifer Watkins Youngs That really boils my blood. Like a wise friend of mine said, your husband didn't CHOOSE his family BUT he CHOSE his wife. Remember that. Opinions are like certain body parts and everyone and their in this case aunt have one.
M - God Bless you for being such an amazing mom, lady, wife, and simply the person you are! I can't begin to tell you how strong you are to deal with all of this. I get so sick and tired of so many "in-laws" and so called relatives sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. My (now ex)husband's family was the same way. They were RUDE, vicsious, ugly, etc. beyond belief. They were more cause for a relationship being destroyed than anything else and now that it has happened - are they any happier? Doubtful. You can't fix these people -can't fix stupid! You are so right that your kids deserve so much better than this and I'm so dang proud of you for holding your head high and putting them first! These so called family members aren't FAMILY; Family is those that stand by you through thick and thin, support you, etc. Just because they are biologically family doesn't mean they can give their 2 cents. They should pay that 2 cents to some shrink to help themselves get a clue!!
Love you doll!! We're here for you!!
Aunt Denise - Shame on you. Shame on you! Shame, shame SHAME ON YOU!!
If your husband was deployed at any point during your marriage, then YOU of ALL PEOPLE should be a true source of support, not a source of venom and opinionated asinine BS!!
I am soooooooooooooo glad you're not my Aunt. Or Aunt-In-Law. I would cut you off in a minute.
Vince, THANK YOU for serving and protecting our country - Only those who have walked in your shoes know what its like, but I know I and my family appreciate it and you.
Maryleigh, I was a military brat. Everyone always downplays the price that the families pay. I may not have a relationship now with my mother for various (and utterly valid) other reasons, but she will always have my respect for raising 4 children by herself so my dad COULD go out on deployments. It is a sacrifice many 'Americans' are now far too self-absorbed to make. I and my family thank you and yours too for the sacrifices you make daily.
*Hugs to you girl!*
And shame, shame on you Aunt Denise
Morgan Cook You are a remarkable, strong, kind woman and they are really missing out on knowing a wonderful woman. God bless your husband for what he is doing not only for his family (as he stated) but for my family as well. I would not be able to live the life I do if it were not for those like him...My greatest gratitude to him!! You are also fighting a battle yourself...the battle with being a single parent at the moment, taking care of your hubby how you can while he is depolyed and worring about him while he is deployed! Your darn right you deserve some time for yourself and to follow your dreams. Family is supposed to stand behind one another no matter what...and you and Vince have that bond...however his family seems like they forget what family is...that is one thing that has not changed with the times or generations...Damn it FAMILY is FAMILY!! In my own personal opinion any mother who does not care enough about their own child to check on and support their childs spouse and see their own grandchildren does not deserve to be called a mother!! You hang in their sweet heart and for those that try to bring negativity to your life...shut them out! You have what is most important and that is yourself, your babies and your hubby!! ♥ and BIG hugs to you!!
10 minutes ago · Like
Savannah Destiny LaDuke GOod for him for telling her how it is! She had no right to "read his mind" and i have no idea how hard it is for you to be mothering three kids all by yourself, and a 13 month old that is sick. Maryleigh i strive to be someone like you, because you are just awesome and such a fantasic mother and wife! i'm here if you ever need to talk.
13 minutes ago · Like
Amber Nichole Bunger I am glad you posted how you felt continue to do so some need to know they arent alone.My husband isnt military and by no means are we in the same situation but sometimes I feel the same way you do and my husband is home every night.I love how you arent afraid to write how you feel and I am glad your husband has spoke his here for ya
Ryann Elizabeth Shoaf I can't even imagine what it is like to have a husband deployed so although I read all of your posts, I never comment. Stay strong and be encouraged that you have a husband who loves you so much. Stay focused on him and the LORD! They will see you through it. Remember, the bad things don't come from the ord but they are filtered through Him. You can handle it girl!
27 minutes ago · Like
Tammy Bozek anytime! that woman is a delusional idiot! I can't believe she would go off on you like that. She can get off her high pedestal before a buncha us "selfish" army wives come to knock her off of it!
10 minutes ago · Unlike · 2 people
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