Everyone has an opinion.
Everyone thinks their thoughts are right.
Everyone thinks that their voice should be heard.
Everyone believes somewhere within them, that what they say to you SHOULD matter.
Many people go to extremes to voice their opinion.
Many people cross the line because they think they are right.
Many people scream so loud the only thing that can be heard is their voice, not their words.
Many people push until what they say matters.
I am not that person.
I am none of those people.
I have an opinion. I know it is just that. My opinion. My opinion may differ from yours. But it doesn't lessen the value of my opinion, or yours, in any way.
I know the difference between knowing I am right and thinking I am right. I also know the difference between right and wrong. Something I am realizing many people either were never taught or just don't have the capacity to use on daily basis.
I know that I will always have a voice. My words will always mean something.... to me. My life is not to be validated by everyone else.
You don't like me? That's great. You don't like what I have to say? Good for you. You spend so much time judging someone that you don't even know. When you take the time to write even 1 hateful word about another person, you are judging them. Write 2 hateful words, you just upped your judgement meter. A nasty email? Hours of conversation devoted to hateful bashing of this person? Do I really need to continue... it is judging. Have you taken the time to get to know the person you speak so harshly of? Have you gone past the wall that the rest of the world sees, to find out what that person is made of?
I am not saying that everyone needs to be friends in this life. I am saying that it takes a lot more to be the bigger person and let go of the hurt that someone has caused you (not saying forget), than to hold on to it and relive it everyday. The exception to this, is for those who enjoy dragging people through the mud day after day.
God doesn't hate.
And neither do I.
I can honestly say that there are people who have caused significant trauma to my past that they have earned the right for me to hate them, yet I don't. It is not my place to hold them accountable for their horrible behavior. I am a stronger person from all the venom that has been spewed at me in my life. And I am a better person for not turning in to one of those people because of it.
Insulting someone's spouse, someone's child, someone's lifestyle, etc. all because you personally don't care for someone, is reprehensible.
I say this at least once a day, to someone in my life; My mom has always said "you can only be responsible for you and your actions. No one else's." Isn't that the truth.
I learned a long time ago "you can't save them all". Good heavens, as much as I have tried "you can't befriend them all" either. There are some people out there no matter how pleasant they appear on the outside, they are full of hatred on the inside. A cold heart that fuels on the misery of others. I can't change that. You can't change that.
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you (Matthew 7:12).”
Can you imagine? How you treat people (not just all your friends.. think about the strangers on the street, the people you curse who you will never meet...) is how you will be treated. Maybe not in this life... but all actions have a reaction. And for the negative actions, there are consequences. Is it worth it? Personally, I don't think so. But there will always be those people, who force their opinions with their screaming voices and push their views down your throat until you utter the words they want you to say. You agree with them. Their view is your view. They're right, you're wrong.
I have no words for either of those types of people. It's not my place to judge them or save them for that matter. They will have consequences... we all will.
I am happy girl this morning to be able to call you my friend! I think these are things learned with experience and a good heart. And you have both. Many hugs!
Fantastic. Never come from a place of anger when you write or decide to express yourself towards others. At the same time, try not to chastise those who cannot see their ways for there is peace in understanding.
We cannot use our own lives as a measuring stick for others.
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